Our university is à la carte. This means that you will be able to personalize your academic calendar by defining your own number of courses, your number of weekly hours, your options, your number of academic years, your themes etc... which will allow us to establish a personalized quote.

This customization will be accessible on the admission form, only once you have completed and paid the registration form, available by clicking on this link: Registration Form


Our university is an American Non Profit Organization established in California which consequently does not receive any aid from the French State.

Therefore, there is no scholarship assistance on American soil from the French Ministry of Education.

Our university is à la carte, therefore we can adapt to your request the theme of your dreams. However, here is a link to our existing themes: Themes

We offer a Bachelor's degree in 2 years and a Master's degree in 3 or 4 years, depending on the specialties and themes you choose.

Once you have paid your registration fee,
you will be personally contacted by our team
to access the admission form.